CIED Programming by Dr Ashutosh: Ensuring Optimal Functionality for Your Heart Devices


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Heart Beat

A Cardiac Implantable Electronic Device (CIED) refers to a group of electronic devices designed to manage abnormal heart rhythms and other cardiac issues. These devices are implanted in patients to help regulate heart function and include:

CIEDs are crucial for managing various cardiac conditions and ensuring the heart works effectively. Programming these devices correctly is essential to tailor the treatment to each patient’s specific needs.

What is CIED Programming?

CIED Programming involves adjusting the settings and functions of an implanted cardiac device to ensure optimal performance for the individual patient. After implantation, the device requires regular monitoring and fine-tuning to match the patient’s evolving medical condition and lifestyle.

Programming is done using a specialised external programmer, which communicates wirelessly with the implanted device. This allows the cardiologist or electrophysiologist to modify the device’s settings, monitor its function, and troubleshoot any issues that may arise.

CIED Programming: Key Components

When is CIED Programming Necessary?

CIED programming is typically performed:

Benefits of CIED Programming

CIED Programming with Dr. Ashutosh in Hyderabad

Dr Ashutosh is a leading expert in CIED programming in Hyderabad, offering comprehensive care for patients with implanted cardiac devices. With extensive experience in managing and programming pacemakers, ICDs, and CRT devices, Dr Ashutosh ensures that your device is functioning optimally for your specific heart condition. His patient-centred approach focuses on providing personalised care and ensuring the best outcomes for all patients.