Electrophysiology Study in Hyderabad by Dr Ashutosh


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Heart Beat

An Electrophysiology (EP) Study is a specialised procedure used to assess the electrophysiology of the heart and diagnose abnormal heart rhythms, also known as arrhythmias. Conducted by electrophysiologists, also called “heart rhythm specialists” like Dr. Ashutosh Kumare in Hyderabad, this minimally invasive procedure provides detailed insights into the heart’s electrical activity, helping to pinpoint the root causes of irregular heartbeats.

What is Electrophysiology of the Heart?

The electrophysiology of the heart refers to the electrical system that controls the rhythm and timing of heartbeats. Electrical impulses travel through the conduction system, which includes the SA node (the heart’s generator), AV node, and Bundle branches that lead to Purkinje fibres. This system ensures coordinated contraction of the heart chambers to pump blood efficiently. Disruptions in this pathway can lead to arrhythmias, causing the heart to beat too fast, too slow, or irregularly.

The Electrophysiology Study Procedure

An electrophysiology (EP) study is a minimally invasive cardiac diagnostic procedure used to evaluate the heart’s electrical activity and identify the cause of arrhythmias. It is generally done on a daycare basis, with an overnight stay recommended to monitor for potential complications. Here’s how it works:

Who Needs an EP Study?

An electrophysiology study is recommended for individuals who experience unexplained symptoms like:

The EP study helps determine the type and severity of the arrhythmia and assesses whether the patient requires further treatments, such as medications, catheter ablation, or a pacemaker.

Benefits of an Electrophysiology Study

Choose Dr Ashutosh for an Expert Electrophysiology Study in Hyderabad

With extensive experience in curing heart rhythm disorders, Dr Ashutosh is a leading cardiologist in Hyderabad, specialising in electrophysiology and the management of arrhythmias. His patient-focused approach, combined with vast experience in the evolving technology, can help every patient needing arrhythmia management.